Hold on to your space helmets, fellow Sci-fi Fans, because "Heritage" by S.M. Warlow is an interstellar ride that's part space opera, part cosmic carnival, and a whole lot of fun. Picture Firefly meets the Star Wars movie, Solo.
The character arc is top-notch and fun. It doesn’t take itself too seriously, but isn’t too funny to be distracting. Zak Jordan’s narration is great. His voice for the main character is spot on and his portrayal of the “bad guy” is perfect. If you miss the days of Firefly, this one might be for you.
Nathan Carter, our protagonist and mediocre criminal, takes center stage in a winding space adventure. From a simple heist to a mission to save the galaxy, Nathan's journey has laughs, surprises, and a few "oh no, he didn't" moments.
Being an author, I have a few picadilies, one of which Wartlow writing style struck. While our first-time author keeps his writing sharp, I had to let go of MY baggage to enjoy. Listen to the five-minute Audible sample for a sneak peek to ensure you don’t share my issues. If it tickles your fancy, you're in for a treat.
Heritage is worth a read.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Story
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Narration
⭐⭐⭐⭐ Overall
As always, I appreciate your support of self-publishing and indie authors. In the name of putting myself out there, here are a few of my works.